Luminous Watercolors with Denise Cocchiaro
Supply List
Watercolor Paper: Please Arches only block or sheets are fine
Brushes: Watercolor brushes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, materials and prices; any middle quality brand will work. I like Simmons, Escoda, Lowell Cornell, Zen.
#6 or 8 round #10 round flat brush and Rigger
White palette with wells and cover (I love Masterson watercolor palette, you can get it on amazon)
Please get professional grade paint, the difference is significant and will effect the look of your painting (higher pigmentation, brighter, truer colors) any professional paint brand will do, Winsor Newton, M.Graham, Sennelier, Daniel Smith, Holbein and any others that are professional/Artist grade.
Ultramarine blue
Cobalt blue
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose
New Gamboge or Indian Yellow
Burnt sienna
Pyrrol Scarlet
Winsor Blue or Pthalo Blue
Sap Green (optional)
- Accessories:
Roll of paper towels
Masking tape (to hold your paper to the board if it is not a block) -
Sea sponge (optional)
Plastic wide-mouth container for water (old Tupperware is good)
Pencil, kneaded eraser
Small spray bottle
Foam core or Gatorboard to adhere your paper to if it is not a block.
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